This will encode the file INPUT.mp4 into a new file called OUTPUT.mp4.

The FFmpeg command that most closely matches what we do on the ls-psvr-encoder tool is:įfmpeg.exe -i INPUT.mp4 -c:v libx264 -b:a 192k -ac 2 -ar 48000 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 15000k -bf 0 -refs 1 -threads 0 -slices 24 -x264opts "no-cabac:aq-mode=1:aq-strength=0.7:slices=24:direct=spatial:me=tesa:subme=8:trellis=1" -flags +global_header OUTPUT.mp4 To achieve results that closely match what you get from ls-psvr-encoder, I recommend having both programs installed on your Windows system before proceeding. "Our ls-psvr-encoder tool uses FFmpeg, as well as another program called MP4Box to produce videos that work for VR Cinema on PSVR. They have a more comprehensive conversion process, but I'm not sure why MP4Box is required. I wanted to follow up with an email reply I got directly from Littlestar. Maybe I'll make a guide in the future, but for now all you need to do is download ffmpeg and run it from the command line and then make sure to name the output video correctly and place it in the right spot on your USB device. I opted to just write this simple post instead of making a guide as it's pretty straight forward. The Littlestar application can be downloaded from PSN for free and only requires you to create a free account to be able to play your multimedia videos.

The naming of the output file (the last bit) is required by Littlestar. This will take the movie MKV and encode it H.264 with the YUV20 color space, limit the bitrate to 15,000kb and convert the audio to 320Kb AAC with 2 channels (as the specifications request). Here is what I ended up using įfmpeg -i "Terminator 2 (3D).mkv" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v high -level:v 5.1 -b:v 15000k -ac 2 -c:a aac -b:a 320k -f mp4 "Terminator_2_3dff_sbs.mp4" Since most 3D movies are packaged as MKV I had to come up with a good method to transcode them to MP4. Here is the format that Littlestar supports. So I set out to use ffmpeg to convert the movie and after a few attempts I succeeded. Littlestars website links to a script to convert your media to the format it supports, but I couldn't get it working under Linux and I don't have Mac OSX. It works pretty well as I was able to transcode Terminator 2 3D and watch it on the PSVR in 3D. Littlestar allows you to "sideload" MP4 files with very specific encoding properties.
I found an app named Littlestar which by itself is really cool (it allows you to stream VR content to your PSVR). So I just got a PSVR unit and the thing rocks, but wanted to get some of my 3D content that I have been collecting in anticipation for a 3D HDTV to play on the unit.